
Sets Theory – Exercise Questions And Answers & Set Practice

Set Theory Questions And Answers, Set Theory Questions For Aptitude, Set Theory Question Bank, Sets Questions And Answers,

Set Theory Questions Exercise for Practice

Question (1):- In a group of 90 students 65 students like tea and 35 students like coffee then how many students like both tea and coffee.

  1. A) 40                                        B) 20
  2. C) 30                                       D) 10

Answer:- n(C U T) = 90; n(T) = 65, n(C) = 35

So n(C U T) = n(C) + n(T) – n(C ∩ T)

= 90 = 35 + 65 – n(C ∩ T)

n(C ∩ T) = 100 – 90 = 10

so option number (D) is right.

Set Theory – Aptitude Questions And Answers

Question (2):- In a group of 1500 people 800 people talk in Hindi and 900 people talk in English then how many people speak both Hindi and English.

  1. A) 200                                       B) 400
  2. C) 300                                       D) 600

Answer:- Number of people who speak both

= 1500 = 800 + 900 – n(H ∩ E)

n(H ∩ E) = 1700 – 1500 = 200

So option number (A) is right.

Set Theory Questions For Aptitude

Question (3):- If in a set 8 members are present then bow many subset of that set.

  1. A) 256                                       B) 512
  2. C) 128                                       D) none of these

Answer:- Number of subset = 28 = 256

So option number (A) is right.

Set Theory Question Bank

Question (4):- How many members are present in any power set?

  1. A) 0                                       B) 1
  2. C) 2                                       D) ф

Answer:- (A)

Sets Questions And Answer

Question (5):- How many subset of an empty set?

  1. A) 0                                       B) 1
  2. C) 2                                       D) none f these

Answer:- Number of subset of an empty set

= 2n = 20 = 1

So option number (B) is right.

Questions On Set For Class 10

Question (6):-A∩(B-A)is equal to?

  1. A) 1                                       B) 0
  2. C) 2                                       D) ф

Answer:- Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4} and B = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}

B – A = {5, 6}

So A ∩ (B – A) = ф

So option number (D) is right.

Set Theory Exercises With Answers

Question (7):- In a group of 60 students. 45 students speak Hindi and 25 students can speak English and Hindi both then how many students can speak only English.

  1. A) 25                                       B) 35
  2. C) 45                                       D) 15

Answer:- n(H U E) = 60, n(H) = 45, n(H ∩ E) = 25.

n(H U E) = n(H) + n(E) – n(H ∩ E)

So total numbers of people who speak only English

= 60 = 45 + n(E) – 25 = 40 – 25 = 15

So option number (D) is right.

Set Theory Practice Questions And Answers

Question (8):- In a city which population is 60000 there 35000 people read Hindi news paper 25000 people read English news paper and 8000 people read Hindi and English news paper then how many people not read any news paper?

  1. A) 9000                                       B) 10000
  2. C) 8000                                       D) 12000

Answer:- Total people who read news paper

35000 + 25000 – 8000 = 52000

So numbers of people who do not read news paper

= 60000 – 52000 = 8000

So option number (C) is right.

Set Theory Questions Answers

Question (9):- In a school 400 students speak Hindi 200 can speak English 200 can speak both Hindi and English then find the total number of students in That  school.

  1. A) 500                                       B) 200
  2. C) 400                                       D) 700

Answer:- n(H) = 400; n(E) = 200; n(H∩E) = 200

So n(H U E) = n(H) + n(E) – n(H∩E)

Total number of students of that school

= 400 + 200 – 200 = 400

So option number (C) is right.

Set Theory Practice Questions And Answers

Question (10):- In a group of 50 people 35 people eat mango and 5 people eat mango and banana both then how many people eat only banana?

  1. A) 35                                       B) 40
  2. C) 20                                       D) 25

Answer:-n (m ∪b)= 50;n(m)= 35;

n(m∩b)= 5

∴n (m ∪b)= n(m)+n(b)-n(m∩b)

50 = 30 + n(b) – 5

n(b) = 25
So 25 people eat only banana.

So option number (D) is right.  

To Click Here to Types of Set Theory Worksheets Formula & Examples and Solutions


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