Fun Ocean Facts for Kids & Interesting Facts Pacific Oceean, Atlantic, Indian Oceans

  1. The Atlantic Ocean is also known as the Dark Ocean. The name of this ocean is derived from the Greek culture in which it is also called the sea of ​​the map.
  2. The largest ocean in the world is the Pacific Ocean.
  3. The scientific study of the ocean is called oceanography. Oceanography was introduced by Captain James Cook from 1768 and 1779.
  4. Around 70% of the Earth’s surface is covered by oceans.

  5. The sea is spread over 70 percent of the Earth’s surface.
  6. The Pacific Ocean’s name has an original meaning of ‘peaceful sea’.
  7. According to scientists, the sea must have been born about 100 million years ago.
  8. Do you know that there is so much salt in the sea that if the sea water dries up, then at least 500 feet thick layer of salt can be spread on the earth.
  9. The waters of the Indian Ocean are sometimes so hot that it touches up to 36 degrees.
  10. The word tsunami is derived from the Japanese language. Which means ‘high sea waves’.
  11. Fifty percent of the United States lies beneath the ocean.
  12. The Atlantic Sea has a place called the Bermuda Triangle and this triangle is a region of the Northwest Atlantic Ocean.
  13. According to scientific theory, life in the earth was first originated in the ocean.
  14. There is one gram of gold in 13 million parts of a liter of sea water.
  15. There are some flora of the Atlantic Ocean that shines by itself, because sunlight does not reach here.

Name Area (thousand square km) Maximum depth (in meters)

  1. Pacific Ocean 1,65,384 11,033
  2. Atlantic Ocean 82,217 9,200
  3. Indian Ocean 73,481 8,047
  4. Arctic Ocean 14,057 5,450
  5. Mediterranean Sea 2,505 4,846

Pacific Ocean Facts for Kids

  1. The shape of this ocean is triangular
  2. This ocean separates America and Asia.
  3. To the west of this ocean are the continents of Asia and Australia, North America and South America in the east and Antarctica in the south.
  4. The depth of most of the basin of this continent is about 7300 m.
  5. This continent has more than 20000 islands
  6. The northern part of the Pacific Ocean is the deepest, with a depth of about 5000 to 6000 meters.
  7. This ocean is between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricorn.
  8. The Mindnao trough of this ocean has a depth of up to 10,000 meters

Atlantic Ocean Fun Facts for Kids

  1. The Atlantic Ocean is about half the size of the Pacific Ocean
  2. The area of ​​this ocean is 82441500 sq km
  3. The Bermuda Triangle included in the world’s most dangerous place is in the Atlantic Ocean.
  4. West of this ocean are located in both America and east of Europe and Africa.
  5. In this ocean, there are two drones named North Cayman and Portorico, and two troughs called Romansh and South Sidewich.
  6. This ocean extends from South America, Africa, North America, Europe to the Arctic Sea
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